What Is Art?

Art is a testament to the beauty, complexity, and wonder of the world that God, set in motion, and a reminder that the human ability to create is a reflection of the divine creativity that surrounds us.

chinelo odimegwu chinelo odimegwu

Beauty Beyond Vanity: How to Accept Who You Are Unconditionally

In a society where we often times told that the ideal beauty standard is what we are not. It’s an identity rooted in conforming to the self perceived notion that we ought to look good outwardly but not focusing so much on the character that is beyond that outside appearance . Often times the outside appearance is where the true masquerade of who we are is hidden; and beneath the façade of physical allure lies the profound complexity of human character, often overlooked in our quest for surface-level admiration.

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chinelo odimegwu chinelo odimegwu

What Does Sobriety Look Like When You’ve Been an Addict All Your Life 

In a world overwhelmed with various coping mechanisms to navigate life's challenges, it often feels like a relentless cycle of ups and downs. From the ceaseless scrolling through social media to the mindless binge-eating or the numbing effects of substances like weed and alcohol, the excessive studying or an insatiable need to stay constantly occupied. These coping mechanisms offer temporary solace from life's realities. These behaviors serve as shields against the suffering we experience as a result of experiencing life which only provide a temporary reprieve from the challenges we face.

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Overcoming Imposter Syndrome Through Identity

How many of us can honestly admit to struggling with imposter syndrome? From personal experience, I can attest that I have. The struggle of navigating through various identities, and trying to conform to the expectations others have set, is a challenge many of us face. It involves contending with perceptions that may not align with our true selves and attempting to merge these conflicting identities into one cohesive whole.

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Walk By Faith and Not By Sight

Life is a journey, and for many of us, that journey is driven by a quest for purpose and meaning. We yearn to find our unique role in this world, the reason why we are here. However, this pursuit often encounters two formidable obstacles that can hold us back: the fear of venturing into uncharted territory and the desire for immediate results. In the midst of these challenges, it's essential to trust in God’s calling for our life and embrace the unknown path of passion. Embarking on a new venture is never a straightforward path. It's a journey filled with unknowns, self-doubt, and the ever-present whispers of skepticism from others.

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TeamWork Makes The DreamWork

Life is a journey, one filled with twists, turns, and unexpected detours. Along this journey, we often find ourselves grappling with the fundamental question of purpose and meaning. In the midst of uncertainty, however, there is a steadfast assurance: God has a plan for each of us. Jeremiah 29:11 serves as a beacon of hope, reminding us that God's plans are for our prosperity, not harm, and are designed to offer us hope and a future. This promise underscores the divine intentionality for God’s purpose in our lives. Our lives are not mere accidents but are intricately crafted by the hands of a loving Creator.

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What Does God’s Life Look Like For You

"Running your own race" is a phrase that resonates with many, and it draws us into the timeless fable of the hare and the tortoise. This beloved story teaches us a lesson about life's journey, the importance of staying focused on our own path, and the dangers of comparing ourselves to others. In this classic tale, the hare and the tortoise agree to a race. The hare, known for its incredible speed, takes off confidently, while the tortoise, with its steady and deliberate pace, moves forward one step at a time. At first glance, it seems like a predictable race, with the hare expected to easily outpace the tortoise. But the story unfolds in an unexpected way.

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Embracing Love

In a world often consumed by self-centered actions , it's essential to pause and reflect on life's profound lesson: that love transcends the boundaries of self. Through various life experiences, I've come to understand that love isn't solely about 'I'; it extends to what we can do for others, sometimes despite our own feelings. Consider the pivotal moment in history when Jesus Christ descended into this world—a moment characterized by unparalleled love and sacrifice.

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Compassion Through Christ’s Example

My continuous journey of deepening my relationship with God has been marked by many invaluable lessons. Among these lessons, one that stands out prominently is the lesson of compassion. Compassion, as I have come to understand, is an act of service that extends far beyond oneself, compelling us to see beyond our own needs and recognize the world around us. The story of Jesus washing the feet of his disciples, a powerful narrative from the New Testament, serves as a poignant illustration of compassion. In this humble act, Jesus, the Son of God, stooped down to wash the dirty feet of his disciples. This act, traditionally performed by servants, was an embodiment of humility, love, and a deep sense of service. By performing this act, Jesus was not only teaching his disciples about selflessness but also revealing the boundless depth of his compassion.

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Finding God's Unwavering Love

Throughout our lives, many of us experience moments of profound self-doubt, where we believe we have pushed the limits of God's patience. These moments can manifest in various forms, from addiction struggles to moral lapses that leave us questioning our own worthiness. As humans, we often find ourselves in a constant state of change. Whether it's within a year, two years, a month, or even a day, change is an inherent part of our lives. However, amidst our ever-shifting existence, there exists a comforting constant—the unchanging nature of God. In this personal reflection, I share my journey of grappling with my perceived shortcomings and the unwavering love and forgiveness I found in God.

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Embrace the Present with Faith

Each day, I am gently reminded by God that life is a journey meant to be embraced one step at a time, rather than rushed through or impaired by dwelling in the past. As someone who often finds herself lost in her own thoughts, living in the present that God has in store for me can be a challenge. Sometimes, I find myself entangled in the memories of the past, forgetting that the present is where my true gift lies. It has been a journey of forgiving past regrets and releasing the grip of those memories from haunting my mind like a ghost.

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Divine Transformation Through Surrender

When God's grace touches our lives, we undergo a transformation that alters our very core. Our priorities shift, and we begin to let go of things that no longer serve us. Instead, we discover a newfound purpose in our actions, and virtues like forgiveness and patience become easier to embrace. This transformation leads to humility and a realization that, as humans, we all fall short. The need to pass judgment and point fingers at who is right or wrong becomes futile when we acknowledge that our knowledge is limited, while God's wisdom is boundless.

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"Faith Over Fear" Liberation

In a world filled with constant noise and overwhelming pressures, it can be challenging to shut out the expectations that society places on us. Whether it's the pressure to choose a career solely based on income, the relentless obsession with maintaining a specific body image, or the ever-persistent feeling of needing to have every aspect of our lives perfectly together, these are all expectations that the world imposes upon us. In the process of trying to conform to these so-called standards, many of us find ourselves working tirelessly, day and night, and in doing so, we slowly lose touch with our true selves.

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From Death To Life

Consider for a moment that we are all spiritual beings temporarily living a human experience, and to neglect the growth of our spirit is to betray the very essence of the life that Christ sacrificed himself for. It is to wander through existence with a soul estranged from its purpose, gradually withering away under the weight of earthly desires. Living a life dictated by the whims of the flesh leads to a gradual erosion of the spirit—a detachment from the vibrant essence of existence. In this state, life becomes a wearying burden, draining the soul of hope and love, leaving behind a desolate spirit devoid of purpose.

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Celebrate Human Diversity

In the intricacies of creation, God has fearfully and wonderfully made each and every one of us. This profound truth underscores the essence of our existence, reminding us that we are each a masterpiece, bearing the indelible mark of divine craftsmanship. As we contemplate the intricacies of our individuality, we uncover a profound sense of reverence and honor, love, and awe imbued within our very being. Each of us, in our own way, adds a unique hue to the canvas of humanity.

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The Art of Creation

Life's art, in all its forms, serves as a source for a creative outlet. It is a means by which we cleanse our souls from the dust of mundane existence and stir within us the creative force imbued in our very spirts to create a life that inmates heaven on earth. In our individual journeys through life, art becomes a reflection of our internal thoughts and experiences.

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Embrace Life Through Dance

In the fast-paced and often chaotic world we live in, it's easy to forget the simple pleasures and moments of happiness that can make life truly fulfilling. The message "Go Where The People Dance" resonates deeply with me as a powerful reminder of the importance of finding joy and contentment by embracing life's smaller joys and the people who bring positivity into our lives.

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