Not only so, but we also glory in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance; 4 perseverance, character; and character, hope.

Romans 5:3-4

Joshua is a devout Christian who is committed to living out his faith and striving to be a positive example of a Christ-like life. Joshua aims to emulate the teachings and character of Jesus Christ, with the ultimate goal of bringing glory to God and being a light in the world. This typically involves practicing love, compassion, forgiveness, and selflessness in daily life. Joshua's approach is a reflection of his faith and dedication to his spiritual beliefs.

Living Christ-like: A Devout Christian

Joshua's Christian Upbringing Impact

Joshua’s upbringing is characterized by a nurturing and supportive upbringing within a Christian environment. His parents' approach to allowing him to make his own choices and learn from his mistakes, while also providing love and prayer, allowed him to make his choices with free will with the idea that individuals must come to their faith willingly. The metaphor of a seed being planted and nurtured with love and prayer is a beautiful representation of how Joshua’s parents raised him in the Christian faith. Joshua's upbringing has had a positive impact on shaping his beliefs and values as an individual today. His journey from using social media to post content that focused on his appearance to using it as a platform to share his faith and the lessons he's learned from his walk with God is a testament to personal growth and spiritual development. Using platforms like TikTok has allowed Joshua to find a deeper purpose and calling with it, often leading him to share his faith and inspire others in their spiritual journey.

Aligning Online Presence with Faith

Deleting the content that didn't align with his new values and faith was a very powerful step for him toward authenticity and aligning his online presence with his beliefs. It's a way for Joshua to use his platform to bring glory to God. Joshua uses his TikTok platform to share Bible verses, spiritual insights, and his own journey from being born to being born again. This kind of content is a source of inspiration, encouragement, and guidance for those who are struggling with various aspects of their lives, such as lust, fitting in, or their own spiritual transformation.By sharing God's truth, love, and peace, as well as what it means to live a Christian lifestyle, Joshua is not only providing valuable information but also actively fulfilling the Great Commission, which is a central teaching in Christianity to go and make disciples of all nations (Matthew 28:16-20). He's using the platform to reach a broad audience and make a positive impact on their spiritual journeys.

The struggle with comparison and seeking validation from others is a challenge in the Christian journey and in life in general. One of Joshua's biggest struggles in his relationship with Christ is looking at how others might view him as a person but specifically as an athlete. It has been a pitfall for him to compare himself to others instead of looking at the gifts that God has placed in him

Overcoming Comparison and Validation

His passion for basketball is also a gift, and it shows that it is possible to integrate your faith into your love for the sport. Many athletes find that their dedication to their sport can be a platform to share their faith, inspire others, and demonstrate the principles of hard work, discipline, and teamwork that align with Christian values. Joshua uses basketball as a platform to glorify God and connect with others who share similar experiences. Understanding that the kingdom of God is eternal while the pursuits of this world, such as basketball, are temporary. By dedicating his passion for basketball to serving and glorifying God, Joshua is aligning his earthly interests with his faith in a meaningful and purposeful way. His commitment to giving his best to God in all that he does, including his athletic pursuits, is a powerful testament to his faith and is a source of encouragement to others on their spiritual journey. Prayer before games and listening to worship songs, like "Over and Over" by Elevation Rhythm, is a powerful way for him to center himself, find inspiration, and connect with God as he prepares to ball on the court.

  • Focus on God's Perspective

  • Avoid the Comparison Trap

  • Seek God's Approval

  • Prayer and Meditation

  • Surround Yourself with a Supportive Community

  • Remember Your Purpose

Here are some things to keep in mind as you navigate this challenge

Faith in Basketball Integration

In conclusion, Joshua wants us to remember that our faith and our passion for what we do in this world can coexist, and our dedication to both can make us more resilient and spiritually grounded people. We are Children of God, so we ought to walk this life knowing who we are and whose we are!