Elizabeth Kanzler

Lizzy's life is a delicate dance, balancing her spiritual foundation, creative pursuits, and future family aspirations. Through her roles as a child of God, author, podcaster, and aspiring stay-at-home mom, she exemplifies the beauty of embracing a diverse tapestry of identities.

Who Is Lizzy

Beyond her spiritual identity, Lizzy is a wordsmith weaving narratives and stories. Her authorial journey is a testament to her creativity and passion for storytelling. Through her written words, she invites readers into worlds of imagination, offering unique perspectives and insights that resonate with the human experience. Lizzy's reach extends beyond the written word as she ventures into the realm of podcasting. With a microphone in hand, she explores topics close to her heart, engaging in conversations that inspire, inform, and connect with a broader audience. Through her podcast, Lizzy becomes a voice that echoes in the ears and hearts of those who tune in. Looking toward the future, Lizzy envisions herself embracing the role of a stay-at-home mom. With a heart full of anticipation, she dreams of creating a nurturing and loving home environment for her family. This aspiration reflects her commitment to prioritizing family life and cherishing the joys of motherhood.

In this article, we explore the insights of an Elizabeth blessed with a multitude of gifts and talents, reflecting on the challenges and triumphs of managing these blessings. Juggling various abilities can be a daunting task, but through a commitment to glorifying God, Elizabeth shares their perspective on balancing priorities and allocating time to different aspects of their gifted life.

Embracing Abundant Blessings

When one is bestowed with numerous gifts, the question of managing them all becomes a central aspect of their journey. Lizzy acknowledges the richness of her blessings, recognizing that each talent is a unique offering that adds depth and diversity to her life. The challenge, however, lies in striking a balance among these various gifts. It's a common struggle, and Elizabeth candidly shares the difficulty of managing everything seamlessly. The recognition that time is a finite resource adds an extra layer of complexity to the balancing act. Despite the challenges, Elizabeth emphasizes her commitment to approaching each gift with gracefulness. The driving force behind her efforts is a profound understanding that her abilities are not just random talents but divine gifts. By giving her best to each endeavor, she aims to glorify the source of these blessings—God. Acknowledging the flow of life's demands, Elizabeth adopts a flexible approach to time management. Some weeks may require a more substantial investment in one particular aspect of her life, while the next may shift focus to another. This adaptability allows for a nuanced and responsive management of her time.

The core principle guiding Lizzy’s approach to time management is the belief that her abilities are entrusted to her for a purpose—to glorify God. This perspective serves as a compass, helping them navigate the complexities of life's demands with a sense of purpose and divine alignment.

Elizabeth’s inspiring journey of an author whose passion for writing took root in childhood and has blossomed into a meaningful endeavor. From humble beginnings in elementary school to the publication of impactful books, this author shares her story of creativity, growth, and the profound ways in which God has used her words to inspire others.

Early Beginnings:

The author's literary journey traces back to her formative years in elementary school, where the seeds of creativity were first sown. Despite the early fascination with writing, the prospect of becoming a published author seemed like a distant dream at the time. It wasn't until high school, during her sophomore year, that the author decided to take a bold step toward realizing her writing aspirations. Opting for self-publishing through Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP), she released her first book—an experience that, despite the initial editing challenges, marked the beginning of her journey as a published author. As the author continued to refine her craft, her subsequent works took on deeper and more profound themes. One such book, titled "Marco Polo," explores the complexities of grief as a young girl copes with the loss of her boyfriend. This was a collaborative effort with friends who assisted in the editing process, leading to a more polished and impactful final product available on Amazon. The author's latest endeavor, "Look Me In The Eyes," delves into sensitive and challenging subject matter. The narrative follows a high school girl navigating the harrowing struggles that arise from an unwanted pregnancy resulting from a traumatic event. This time, the book underwent professional editing, emphasizing the author's commitment to delivering a powerful and well-crafted story. Throughout all her works, a common thread emerges—the author's unwavering goal to glorify God. Each book is infused with biblical principles, and the characters undergo transformative journeys of faith in Christ. The author acknowledges the divine inspiration woven into their narratives, recognizing how God has worked through her words to touch the hearts and lives of readers.

Looking ahead, the author reveals her ongoing work on several new projects, each infused with the same commitment to glorifying God. The anticipation and enthusiasm for these upcoming releases underscore the author's enduring passion for storytelling with a divine purpose.

The purpose of "Open Doors Open Arms Open Hearts," an organization that has transitioned from an Instagram account to a dynamic Facebook group, with plans for an upcoming website. The driving force behind this initiative is a commitment to spreading awareness of valuable resources and opportunities, recognizing their pivotal role in uplifting individuals and communities.

The Genesis of Open Doors Open Arms Open Hearts

The roots of "Open Doors Open Arms Open Hearts" trace back to a heartfelt vision harbored by its founder Elizabeth. Originally conceived as an Instagram account, the initiative has evolved into a thriving Facebook group, fostering connections and sharing valuable insights that contribute to personal and communal growth. The decision to transition from Instagram to Facebook was strategic, aiming to create a more interactive and community-oriented space. As the organization gains momentum, the founder is gearing up to launch a dedicated website, expanding the reach and impact of Open Doors Open Arms Open Hearts. At its core, the organization is driven by a noble goal—to raise awareness of essential resources and opportunities. Recognizing these as fundamental needs for individuals, the initiative seeks to be a beacon of information, guiding people towards avenues that can enhance their lives and prospects. In a world where access to information is key, Open Doors Open Arms Open Hearts aims to bridge gaps by providing a centralized hub for valuable resources. Whether it's educational opportunities, career guidance, or support networks, the organization strives to be a catalyst for positive change by connecting individuals with the tools they need to thrive. Understanding the transformative power of opportunities, the organization places emphasis on creating a platform that highlights various avenues for personal and professional development. By showcasing opportunities ranging from scholarships and workshops to job openings and community initiatives, Open Doors Open Arms Open Hearts aims to empower individuals to seize the possibilities that align with their aspirations.

The upcoming launch of the organization's website signifies a new chapter in its journey. With a dedicated online space, the founder envisions a more expansive and accessible platform that can serve as a comprehensive resource hub for a broader audience.

The transformative power of "Talk Busy With Lizzy," a podcast where the host, Lizzy, opens up a space for sharing personal stories and experiences with a global audience explores the daily blessings and lessons that God is performing in her life daily. From solo reflections to a recent surge in interviews, Lizzy's podcast journey is driven by a profound desire to glorify God and amplify the redeeming nature of personal narratives.

The Genesis of "Talk Busy With Lizzy":

At the heart of "Talk Busy With Lizzy" is a compelling mission—to share her stories and people's stories with the world. Lizzy initiated this podcast as a personal endeavor to create a platform for narratives that resonate with diverse audiences. While initially featuring solo episodes, the recent influx of interviews has added a dynamic and exciting dimension to the podcast. The recent surge in interviews has brought a wealth of perspectives and experiences to the forefront of "Talk Busy With Lizzy." The excitement that accompanies each new conversation is a testament to the growing impact and outreach of the podcast. Lizzy's dedication to providing a space for diverse voices reflects her commitment to fostering connections and shared understanding. Central to Lizzy's podcasting journey is the unwavering belief that she does it all for the glory of God. Recognizing the transformative power of redemption in stories, she uses "Talk Busy With Lizzy" as a conduit to spread the message of faith and resilience. The podcast becomes a vessel through which the stories of individuals find a broader, more interconnected audience. In addition to interviews, Lizzy uses solo episodes as an intimate space to share her personal reflections on what God is teaching her. Acknowledging the ever-present nature of God's guidance, Lizzy opens up about her own journey, making her podcast not only a platform for others but also a space for personal growth and exploration of faith.

Lizzy's podcast becomes a living testament to the transformative power of shared stories. By inviting others to speak and by vulnerably sharing her own experiences, she fosters an environment where listeners can find solace, inspiration, and connection. The podcast serves as a reminder that every story, no matter how unique, holds the potential to resonate with and impact others.