Mirsita Ramirez

Deep Faith in God

Mirsita Ramirez, also known as Misa, is a person with a deep connection to her faith and a strong belief in God's plan for her life. She grew up in a religious household, where she had the opportunity to nurture her relationship with God through church attendance and reading the word of God. Her curiosity about God has been a constant source of peace in her life, and she finds solace in knowing that she can trust in God regardless of life's challenges. Mirsita's trust in God feeds her with a firm foundation, even in times of uncertainty and turmoil. She believes that challenges and obstacles are meant to make us stronger and more resilient. Mirsita’s attitude towards God’s plan in her life reminds me of the biblical verse Jeremiah 29:11, which reinforces the idea that God's plans are for hope and a bright future. She trusts that even when she doesn't understand the present, things will eventually make sense, much like a scavenger hunt with clues leading to a greater revelation. One of Mirsita's unique ways of communing with God is by learning and reciting her prayers in Latin, which brings her a sense of peace and comfort.

Finding Peace Through Hobbies

Despite her strong faith and relationship with God, Mirsita grapples with attachment issues in her current two-year relationship. As someone who grew up in a family-oriented family being alone wasn't always something that she's been comfortable with so in her current relationship, she finds herself sometimes often clingy on to him more often than she needs. Sometimes we tend to get in our thoughts which sometimes only allude to more confusion and chaos in our heads but learning to quiet them down by immersing your selves in the present moment is something Mirsita is learning to do every day. Mirsita has several hobbies that bring her joy and relaxation. She is passionate about gardening, and her family cultivates a variety of plants and fruits at their home. Some of them are avocados, guava, pomegranates, watermelon, lemons, peppers, and green tomatoes She also enjoys crocheting, finding solace in the art of creating beautiful pieces. she is also a plant room. So of her favorite plants range from a jade plant which significance money the mariner's kalanchoe which signifies eternal love, the old lady cactus which signifies hope, the watch chain which represents, friendship, peace, luck, and prosperity, and the black rose which signifies ageless and youthfulness. As someone who works towards finding peace in her life, she recognizes that peace is everlasting and when you find it doing the things you love it makes it 10 times better

Passion for Biology and the Environment

 As a biology major in college, Mirsita is deeply interested in the interconnectedness of life on Earth, from cells to plants. She plans to further her education after graduation and is committed to pursuing a career that aligns with her passion for the environment and biology. She is actively involved in a program called College Corps, which supports community-based organizations working on education, climate action, and food insecurity. This program allows her to make a positive impact on her community and aligns with her values and interests.


Mirsita's faith, love for nature and plants, dedication to her studies, and involvement in community service all reflect her commitment to personal growth, peace, and helping others. She trusts in God's plan for her life, which gives her the confidence to face life's challenges with resilience and optimism.