Laura Kemp

Meet Laura, a 21-year-old with a multitude of identities and roles that shape her life. From being a senior at UCLA, a dedicated content creator, a loving daughter and sister, and a cherished friend, Laura's most profound identity is rooted in her relationship with God. Born in Finland and raised in England and North Carolina, Laura's cultural tapestry is woven with the threads of her Finnish father and Indonesian mother. At the age of 17, Laura embarked on a journey to California, driven by the allure of the famed LA lifestyle. However, what she discovered along the way was a profound emptiness despite her pursuits of success, fame, and love. It was in this realization that she felt a deep longing for something more, something that transcended the superficial pursuits that had left her feeling broken. As a 20-year-old student at UCLA, Laura's life took an unexpected turn when a classmate invited her to study the Bible. Little did she know that this simple invitation would become the catalyst for a transformative experience. Within a month of that initial Bible study, Laura embraced Christianity and found salvation. The story of Laura is not just one of geographical transitions and diverse cultural influences; it is a narrative of spiritual awakening and the pursuit of a higher purpose. Moving from the hustle and bustle of California's entertainment industry to the quiet contemplation of studying the Bible, Laura's journey underscores the profound impact that faith can have on an individual's life. Her story resonates with those who have grappled with the emptiness that can accompany the pursuit of worldly success. Through her newfound faith, Laura discovered a source of fulfillment that surpassed anything she had previously sought. She found solace and purpose in her identity as a daughter of God.

On February 2nd, 2023, Laura’s life underwent a profound transformation as she embraced the transformative power of giving herself to Christ. Laura was baptized for the forgiveness of her sins and that became the catalyst for a journey that would redefine her purpose and identity. Today, as a woman of God, Laura’s story is one of spiritual rebirth and a commitment to seeking and saving the lost. The crux of her transformation lies in a newfound understanding of her purpose. While pursuing her degree at UCLA, she realized that her primary calling wasn't merely academic; it was a divine mission to be a "fisher of men," as outlined in Mark 1. This revelation shifted the trajectory of her life, redirecting her focus from personal achievements to a higher calling. Baptism marked the moment when Laura fully embraced this purpose, and since then, her life has been dedicated to leading others to Christ. Studying the Bible has become a powerful tool in this endeavor, allowing her to engage with and guide women on their own spiritual journeys. The joy derived from helping others find faith has, in turn, made Laura a woman less fixated on personal concerns and more attuned to the needs of those around her. The transformation goes beyond a mere change in perspective; it's a profound shift in values and priorities. As a woman of God, Laura became acutely aware of the significance of selflessness and compassion. The teachings of Christ have instilled in her a deep-seated desire to contribute positively to the lives of others, drawing inspiration from the biblical mandate to seek and save the lost. In this newfound purpose, she’s discovered a richness of life that extends far beyond personal achievements. The fulfillment derived from leading others to Christ surpasses any accolade or recognition she could have pursued within the fleeting interests of this world. It's a purpose that transcends the temporal and taps into the eternal significance of impacting lives for the kingdom. Laura’s journey from baptism to spiritual leadership is a testament to the transformative power of surrendering to Christ. What began as a personal commitment has evolved into a mission to share the love and grace she’s experienced. Through the lens of faith, she’s found a deeper understanding of her identity and a profound sense of purpose that extends far beyond the confines of worldly values. In surrendering to Christ, she’s not only discovered the woman of God she is today but has also unearthed the true essence of a purpose-driven life—one centered on seeking and saving the lost, one guided by the teachings of Christ, and one devoted to making a lasting impact on the lives of those around her.

In the experience of life, the threads of God's love weave a transformative pattern that extends far beyond personal experience. John 13:34-35 imparts a profound teaching: "I give you a new commandment: love one another. As I have loved you, so you also should love one another. This is how all will know that you are my disciples if you have love for one another." The essence of God's love is not confined to solitary contemplation; it's a force that emanates outward, leaving an indelible mark on the lives of those around us. Understanding love through the lens of scripture, Laura is reminded that God is the very embodiment of love. Delving into the teachings of Jesus, who exemplified love through servitude and sacrifice, provides a blueprint for navigating relationships and interactions with others. The resonance of God's love within Laura becomes a guiding light, illuminating the path to love others as He loves us. As a daughter, Laura sees God's love reflected in her familial role. This manifests in practical ways, such as assisting with household chores and dedicating quality time to her parents. In these actions, she recognizes that God's love is not an abstract concept but a tangible force that compels her to express care and consideration within the sacred bonds of family. Being a student has also become an avenue for reflecting God's love. Hard work and diligence in academic pursuits are complemented by a deep respect and obedience to teachers. Simultaneously, engaging in Bible studies and extending invitations to classmates to join in worship or attend church serve as expressions of God's love within the academic sphere. Navigating the intricate dynamics of friendship, God's love takes on a supportive and empathetic role. Actively listening to friends and providing unwavering support aligns with the divine principle of love as outlined in scripture. In these moments, Laura recognizes that God's love is not passive; it is a dynamic force that prompts her to be a source of strength and encouragement to those around her. The Bible imparts a profound truth: love is a choice. As Laura chooses to love as God loves, His love becomes a radiant force reflected in her actions and interactions. This choice transforms ordinary moments into sacred opportunities to embody the love that transcends human understanding.

In the journey of faith, expressing love for God goes beyond mere sentiments; it's a deliberate and intentional practice that involves both time and action. For Laura, this expression takes shape in the form of a daily ritual she affectionately calls her "quiet time," where she dedicates moments each morning to reading God’s word and engaging in prayer. Recognizing God as her Father, she finds profound joy in these moments of communion, understanding that He delights in our connection. Amid the busyness of life, it's a conscious effort to remind herself of the significance of spending quality time with God. An intriguing question once posed to her was whether she knew God's love language. Delving into the scriptures, it becomes evident that God's love language is intricately tied to obedience. John 8:31-32 captures this essence as Jesus addresses an audience who intellectually acknowledged him as the Messiah. He emphasizes, "If you hold to my teaching, you are really my disciples. Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free." This profound teaching underscores the importance of not just knowing the words of Jesus but actively living by them. It's a reminder that God's heart is touched not only when I choose to spend time with Him but also when I choose to align my actions with His teachings, especially when faced with challenges. Expressing love for God involves more than words; it encompasses a commitment to doing the right thing, even when faced with adversity. The privilege of loving and honoring God through both heartfelt devotion and obedient actions is a profound aspect of the faith journey. It is a continuous journey of aligning one's life with the teachings of Christ, allowing His truth to permeate every aspect of our existence. In essence, her expression of love for God is a harmonious blend of devoted quiet time and a commitment to living out His teachings. It's an ongoing journey of deepening connection and understanding that genuine love is demonstrated through actions that mirror the heart of God. As Laura navigates the intricacies of life, she is reminded that love for God is a journey of both the heart and the hands, a beautiful dance of devotion and obedience.

For Laura, a relationship with Christ is synonymous with experiencing the embodiment of unconditional love—a love that surpasses any other. The profound image of Christ on the cross stands as the most beautiful depiction of love imaginable. In that moment, Christ beckons to us, saying, "I choose you, I died for you, all for the hope that we might embrace a life with him." The beauty of this relationship lies in the fact that God's love knows no bounds. He doesn't withhold His heart; instead, He extends it to us with open arms. God, in His infinite grace, behaves as an absolute gentleman, never coercing us into loving Him. Rather, He ardently pursues us, ensuring that every possible avenue is explored to provide us with the opportunity for this profound connection. In the vast landscape of the world, there may be endless counterfeit versions of love, each competing for our attention and loyalty. However, the truth remains that authentic fulfillment and lasting contentment can only be found through a genuine relationship with God. Unlike the fleeting and often superficial imitations the world presents, the love offered by Christ is unwavering and enduring. It is a love that doesn't demand reciprocation but invites us to accept it freely. It transcends human understanding, offering a depth of fulfillment that surpasses the short-lived pleasures the world offers. Choosing a relationship with Christ is a conscious decision to embrace a love that transforms, redeems, and ultimately satisfies the deepest longings of the human soul. It's a journey away from the illusions of the world toward an authentic and unwavering connection with the Creator. In essence, Laura’s relationship with Christ is a tapestry woven with threads of grace, love, and pursuit. It is a continual revelation of the character of a God who, despite His infinite majesty, stoops down to meet us where we are, extending an invitation to experience the richness of His love. As Laura navigates the complexities of life, she finds solace and purpose in this relationship—a relationship that defines, sustains, and completes her in ways that no other could.

Laura extends an open invitation to a free-for-all exploration—a space where the depths of spirituality and the quest for understanding converge. If the study of the Bible resonates with you or if you're simply curious to delve into its teachings, Laura invites you to reach out. She is part of a worldwide church driven by a mission to evangelize the world in our generation, and they would be delighted to have you on this transformative journey. These services are not just gatherings; they are moments of shared spiritual exploration where individuals from diverse backgrounds come together to celebrate the richness of faith. For those seeking more information or interested in joining their community, a wealth of resources and details about their mission and activities are available on their website at It serves as a gateway to understanding the values, vision, and vibrant community that define us as a worldwide church with a shared purpose. In a world brimming with opportunities, the invitation stands—whether you're embarking on a journey of spiritual discovery, seeking a community that resonates with your beliefs, or simply curious about the teachings of the Bible. Reach out, connect, and explore the transformative power of faith together. The door is open, and the possibilities are boundless. 🤍