Looking To Blow off Steam. Here’s a Few Games


The "3, 6, 9" game is a fun and engaging activity that challenges participants to avoid saying any numbers containing the digits 3, 6, or 9. Instead of saying these numbers outright, participants clap their hands in place of them. This simple twist adds an element of excitement and concentration to the game, as players must remain focused to avoid slipping up.

The game is typically played in a group setting and works best with a large number of players. It can be enjoyed at various social gatherings such as family cookouts, work events, or school activities like Fun Fridays.

The rules are straightforward: participants take turns counting upwards, but whenever they encounter a number containing the digits 3, 6, or 9 (e.g., 3, 6, 9, 13, 16, 19, 23, 26, etc.), they must clap their hands instead of saying the number aloud. If a player forgets and says the forbidden number or fails to clap when required, they are either eliminated from the game or receive a penalty, depending on the agreed-upon rules.

The game fosters a sense of camaraderie and competition among players, as everyone strives to stay focused and avoid making mistakes. It's a lighthearted and enjoyable way to test one's memory and quick thinking skills while also providing plenty of laughs and entertainment for all involved.

15 Questions

Prepare Questions: Create a list of about 15 questions ranging from weird and silly to deep and meaningful. These questions should be designed to spark interesting conversations and reveal more about each player.

Counting Off: Have everyone in the group count off a number, starting from 1. Each person should remember their assigned number.

Asking Questions: One person, designated as the moderator or question asker, begins by posing a question from the list to the group. The person whose number corresponds to the question number starts by answering first.

Rotation: After the first person answers, move on to the next question and have the person whose number corresponds to that question number answer next. Continue rotating through the questions and allowing each person to answer.

Discussion: Encourage open and honest discussion after each answer. Players can react to each other's responses, ask follow-up questions, or share their own thoughts and experiences related to the topic.

Enjoy the Conversation: The goal of the game is to have fun, learn more about each other, and foster deeper connections within the group.

"Two Truths and a Lie" or "Two Lies and One Truth"

Setup: Gather everyone in a circle or around a table. Decide who will start the game.

Rules: The first player begins by stating three statements about themselves:

Two of these statements must be true.

One statement must be false (the lie).

Guessing: After the player has shared their statements, the rest of the group tries to guess which statement is the lie. Players can ask questions or discuss amongst themselves to make their guesses.

Revealing the Lie: Once everyone has made their guesses, the player reveals which statement was the lie.

Next Player: If someone correctly guesses the lie, they become the next player and share their own three statements. If no one guesses correctly, the same player continues for another round.

Repeat: The game continues with each player taking turns sharing their statements and the group guessing the lie.

"Two Truths and a Lie" or "Two Lies and One Truth" is not only a great way to break the ice and spark conversation, but it also provides insight into each player's experiences, interests, and personalities. It's a simple yet engaging game that's sure to keep everyone entertained!