Faith Based Movies

“You sow a habit, you reap a character. You sow a character, you reap a destiny. Every place starts with a cadence and ends with a whistle. What you do in between, determines your legacy, so make sure you give it everything you've got until you hear that whistle.”


This captivating and inspiring movie unfolds as a unique testament to the power of faith, resilience, and unwavering determination. Brandon Burlsworth, (the main character) embarks on a remarkable journey that serves as a touching reminder of how faith can be the linchpin that propels us towards success. The storyline masterfully navigates the challenges of pursuing one's dreams, while illustrating the prevailing belief that although the path ahead may appear daunting, surrendering to the hardships is never the option.

Brandon Burlsworth becomes a beacon of motivation, challenging the notion that it is simpler to abandon our aspirations when confronted with seemingly insurmountable obstacles. His relentless pursuit of what many deemed impossible serves as an example of how hard work and resilience are the cornerstones of achieving our dreams. The narrative delves deeply into the nuances of facing adversity, urging us to question whether, after exerting our utmost efforts, we entrust the remainder of our journey to God or insist on maintaining control in our own hands.

Throughout the film we are shown how the fundamental role of faith plays as the bedrock upon which dreams are constructed. Brandon Burlsworth's journey unfolds against a backdrop of bullying, ridicule, and laughter, yet he stands unwavering, never succumbing to despair, and maintaining an unshakable faith in God and his community. His unyielding spirit becomes a testament to the transformative potential of faith, demonstrating that it is not merely a passive force but an active catalyst for overcoming challenges and adversities.

In essence, this movie serves as a powerful source of inspiration, offering a compelling narrative for those seeking to conquer their fears and witness the extraordinary possibilities that lie beyond. Brandon Burlsworth's story is a testament to the indomitable human spirit and the profound impact faith can have on shaping our destinies. Overall, this film is a must-watch for anyone on a journey of self-discovery, resilience, and the pursuit of their dreams.

“Life is hard, but God is good. Everyone is different. We all deal with our circumstances differently. But we have a God who deals with us on an individual level.”

This narrative unfolds as a powerful exploration of the human experience, based on the true story of Jeremy Camp. A young man with dreams of sharing his music with the world, Jeremy's journey takes an unexpected turn when he enters college and encounters the transformative force of love. The central plot revolves around his deep connection with Melissa, a young woman whose life takes an unforeseen trajectory upon being diagnosed with cancer – a relentless disease that resurfaces even after apparent remission. The movie skillfully captures the essence of Jeremy's internal struggle when faced with the harsh realities of life. As he witnesses Melissa's battle with a terminal illness, the narrative delves into the profound question of faith and the complex emotions that arise when life unfolds contrary to our expectations. Jeremy's relationship with God becomes strained, and he finds himself grappling with doubt and anger, a sentiment all too familiar when confronted with the inexplicable twists of fate. Life's unpredictability often leads us to question the God’s plan, and Jeremy's journey becomes a reflection of this universal experience. The movie navigates the raw and authentic emotions that accompany such trials, highlighting the common human tendency to question God's role in our lives during moments of adversity. It prompts viewers to confront the uncertainty that life brings and underscores the importance of trusting in God, even when the path seems obscured. The narrative underscores a profound truth – that in life's unpredictability, trusting in God's plan becomes an intrinsic aspect of our faith. The movie challenges viewers to grapple with the unknown, emphasizing that the sacrifice of trust in God's plan often accompanies the journey of loving and believing in Him. Jeremy's internal struggle becomes a relatable and deeply moving portrayal of the intricate dance between faith and doubt in the face of life's uncertainties. The climax of the story, marked by Melissa's passing, gives birth to the emotionally charged and resonant song, "I Still Believe," by Jeremy Camp. The song encapsulates a powerful message that resonates with audiences – the unwavering belief even when confronted with life's unanticipated challenges. In essence, this movie takes audiences on a profound journey through the complexities of life, love, and faith. It challenges us to confront our own uncertainties, encouraging a reflection on the enduring power of belief in the face of life's unpredictable twists. Jeremy Camp's story, portrayed with emotional depth and authenticity, becomes a reminder that, even in the midst of adversity, the question remains: Will we still believe?

I Still Believe

Jesus Revolution

“The truth is always quiet. It's the lies that are loud.”

This compelling film, Jesus Revolution, serves as a mirror reflecting the collective search for purpose and meaning in a world brimming with young men and women grappling with the eternal question of "why." This existential inquiry, which often eludes us, propels individuals to explore various avenues – from drugs and alcohol to science and religion – in a relentless quest to justify their existence. The movie delves deep into the complex fabric of our generation, unraveling the intricate threads that bind us in a perpetual and sometimes everlasting race within our hearts and minds to unearth the essence of our being.

At the core of Jesus Revolution lies a profound exploration of how a significant portion of our generation turns to substances, particularly drugs, in an attempt to replicate the elusive and transcendent experience of connecting with God. The sociological effects of seeking this divine connection through altered states of consciousness become a central theme, shedding light on the intricate dance between spirituality and the human psyche. The film serves as a poignant commentary on the various ways in which individuals navigate the maze of existence, often resorting to differnt means in their pursuit of deeper understanding.

In a world where many feel adrift and lost, the quest for answers becomes an imperative to make sense of it all. Jesus Revolution boldly confronts the existential struggles that define our generation, showcasing the lengths to which individuals are willing to go in order to unravel the mysteries that surround their existence. It becomes a narrative tapestry that weaves together the diverse and often unconventional paths taken by a generation in search of meaning, identity, and a connection to something greater than themselves.

The film invites viewers to ponder the collective journey of this generation, providing a thought-provoking glimpse into the shared experiences that unite us in our pursuit of truth. Through the lens of Jesus Revolution, we witness the profound willingness of individuals to traverse uncharted territories, exploring the limits of their own beliefs and convictions in the relentless pursuit of answers.

Ultimately, Jesus Revolution challenges us to reflect on the depth of our yearning for meaning and purpose. It prompts us to consider the lengths we are prepared to go, individually and collectively, to find the answers that resonate with our souls. In navigating the uncharted waters of our generation's quest for identity and understanding, Jesus Revolution emerges as a compelling and illuminating cinematic journey, encouraging us to question, explore, and discover the profound depths of our existence.