WIA: Finding God's Unwavering Love

Throughout our lives, many of us experience moments of profound self-doubt, where we believe we have pushed the limits of God's patience. These moments can manifest in various forms, from addiction struggles to moral lapses that leave us questioning our own worthiness. As humans, we often find ourselves in a constant state of change. Whether it's within a year, two years, a month, or even a day, change is an inherent part of our lives. However, amidst our ever-shifting existence, there exists a comforting constant—the unchanging nature of God. In this personal reflection, I share my journey of grappling with my perceived shortcomings and the unwavering love and forgiveness I found in God.

The Struggles

Building a relationship with God is a transformative journey, one that doesn't require us to change ourselves but instead invites us to trust that God will change us. As I embarked on my spiritual path, I was burdened by guilt and shame from my past, but over time, I witnessed God's remarkable ability to heal and transform. There were times when I felt like I had tested the boundaries of God's mercy. I remember battling with addiction, specifically smoking, even when I knew it was no longer necessary. I found myself entangled in a conversation with a married man, I've also experienced moments of harboring resentment and an inability to forgive which only added to my inner turmoil. For some reason, I couldn't fully accept God’s love. These moments made it seem implausible that God could continue to extend chances and forgiveness, despite my repeated missteps. This uncertainty, in part, deterred me from fully committing to my faith because I felt beyond redemption.

God's Unfathomable Patience

Over time, I began to recognize the depth of God's patience and steadfastness. No matter how many times I faltered, I found God right there beside me, offering support and guidance. The way that he’d remind me that I was fearfully and wonderfully made, even when I couldn't hear it in my darkest moments made me feel loved even when I couldn’t fully love myself. There were so many times when I felt like I was chasing the moon and stars while losing myself in the process, but knowing he was still there, waiting, loving, and picking up the broken pieces one by one.

The Father of Unconditional Love

God's love is indescribable. I can now say with confidence that I don't know where I would be without Him. He breathed life into my lungs, and I was made anew. Without His presence in my life, I might still be trapped in a cycle of self-doubt, questioning whether to get out of bed or stay in, smoking incessantly, driving through the dark, and seeking solace in substances.

The Timeless God

One of the most remarkable aspects of God is His unchanging nature. He remains the same today as He was yesterday, and this is a source of profound praise . In a world where everything is subject to transformation and impermanence, God's unchanging character provides a solid foundation upon which we can build our faith. As I started my journey, I carried a heavy burden of guilt and shame. However, God, in His infinite grace and love, began to remove these burdens one by one. It was a gradual process, a gentle and loving transformation that unfolded over time. Through prayer, reflection, and trust in God's plan, Ive experienced a healing that I could not have achieved on my own.

God's Love: Unwavering and Unconditional

There is nothing we can do to diminish God's love. It is an unwavering force, constantly radiating warmth and compassion towards us. It doesn't matter if we've made mistakes, struggled, or fallen short of our ideals. God's love remains a constant, offering us hope, forgiveness, and redemption. One of the most beautiful aspects of beginning a relationship with God is that we don't need to be perfect from the outset. In fact, God invites us to come as we are, with all our imperfections and flaws. He understands our past, our mistakes, and our struggles. Rather than requiring immediate change, God encourages us to embrace our humanity and trust in His transformative power.

Faith: A Journey of Love

Faith is much like falling in love. We may not always know what we are getting ourselves into, but deep down, we understand that it will be worth it. Our walk with God is often a series of highs and lows, but throughout it all, God consistently reminds us of His unchanging goodness. Even in our moments of weariness, tears, and frustration, God stands by our side, proving that His love and grace are as steadfast as ever.

When we begin our relationship with God, we embark on a journey of transformation that doesn't require us to change ourselves but instead invites us to trust in God's power to change us. We can bring our imperfections, guilt, and shame to Him, knowing that He will gradually heal and bless us beyond our wildest dreams. God's work in us is ongoing, offering us the assurance that His transformative love is always at our side, ready to uplift us and guide us on our path of faith. We can rest easy in the knowledge that where we fall short, God will pick up the rest.


WIA: Compassion Through Jesus' Example


WIA: Divine Transformation Through Surrender